What is Electronic Repeat Dispensing?
It is a new way of getting your medicines and appliances without having to ask the doctor for a prescription each time.
How does Electronic Repeat Dispensing work?
The prescriber will authorise and issue a batch of repeat prescriptions until the patient needs to be reviewed. The prescriptions are then available for dispensing at the specified interval by the patient’s nominated dispenser. When a prescriber issues an electronic prescription for repeat dispensing using their EPS Release 2 prescribing system, in addition to the information found on a standard EPS Release 2 prescription, this electronic repeatable prescription contains:
· the intended interval between each issue of the repeatable prescription
· how many times the repeatable prescription can be issued
Once the prescriber has issued an electronic repeat dispensing prescription it will be sent electronically to the NHS Spine where it will be available to be download by the patient’s nominated dispenser. This can only be used by patients with a nominated dispenser.
Who is eligible for Electronic Repeat Dispensing?
Any patient suitable for a repeat prescription could be suitable for electronic repeat dispensing. This includes but is not limited to:
· Patients on stable therapy
· Patients with long term conditions
· Patients on multiple therapy e.g. hypertension, diabetes, asthma etc.
· Patients that can appropriately self-manage seasonal conditions
Mainly based on clinical assessment / review.
Do I need to be reviewed by a Clinician before I get a new batch?
Yes, your clinician will make sure it is safe for you to get your medicines in this new way and to continue safely.
Do I need to consent to this before commencing?
Yes, you will have to sign a consent form, to allow your pharmacist and doctor to exchange information about your treatment. All information will be handled in confidence.
Is Electronic Repeat Dispensing suitable for everyone?
No, it is only suitable for patients whose medical condition is described as “stable” by their doctor.
Who manages the prescription forms?
The pharmacist will be looking after your batch prescription forms for you, and he/she will get you to sign a batch prescription each time you go to pick up your medicines.
How often do I need to go to the pharmacy?
Your doctor and pharmacist will tell you, for example it may be monthly or “as and when you need it” depending on the type of medicine.
Do I have to use the same pharmacy?
Yes, as the pharmacist keeps all your prescriptions and is responsible for checking each time that you still need all your medicines and are not having any problems with them. If you move or change address or cannot use the pharmacy you choose, you will have to go back to your doctor for a new repeatable prescription.
Do I need to tell the pharmacist anything?
Yes, for example if there has been a change in your condition or if you are taking other medicines (to check it is safe to take these). The pharmacist will ask you some questions about this each time you pick up your medicines.
Does the pharmacist have to give me everything on my batch prescription form?
No, not if you have plenty of one or more of your medicines left at home, but your pharmacist will ask you, or whoever is collecting your prescription, some questions to check what is still needed.
What should I do when my first set of medicines are about to finish?
You should contact your pharmacist, and he/she will give you your next batch of medicines.
Who do I talk to if I think I am having side effects from my medicines?
If you have problems speak to your pharmacist. He/she may ask you whether your medicine is helping you and may contact your doctor if this is not the case. Please do not worry about this, your doctor or pharmacist will not make any changes without talking to you.
What happens if I pay for my prescriptions?
You must pay a prescription charge for each item every time you get a prescription dispensed. You may find that a prescription pre-payment certificate could save you money. Ask your pharmacist for details.
What happens if I forget to collect my medication and the pharmacy is closed for the weekend or a bank holiday?
If you find you are short of medicine, you can get an “emergency supply” of most medicines from any pharmacy. The pharmacist will need details of your doctor and what medicines you are taking. They will be able to give you a few days’ supply of your medicines but there will be a charge for these “emergency” medicines, and you must let your usual pharmacist know about this. Alternatively, you could call 111.
What should I do if I am going on holiday?
Speak to your pharmacist well in advance of your travel date. Depending on how your prescription is written it may be possible for you to collect your medication in advance. Alternatively, the pharmacist may speak to your doctor to help arrange a supply of medicines for you.
What do I do when my final batch prescriptions have been dispensed?
You will need to visit your doctor before your final supply of medicine runs out and have your medicines reviewed. If your doctor is happy that your condition is still stable and your medicines do not need changed, you will be given another repeatable prescription.