Smear tests are happening, and you may get a letter inviting you to come to the Practice. We know you may find smear tests confusing or worrying, but you are not alone if you feel this way. If you want to ask questions about having a smear test, please discuss this with a Nurse at your College Health Surgery or alternatively there is a Free Helpline on 0808 802 8000. Other ways to get help can be found by visiting the Jo’s Trust Support Page.
What is a smear test?
A smear test is a free health test. It is sometimes called cervical screening.
It makes sure your cervix is healthy.
Your cervix is inside your body at the top of your vagina. You cannot see it.
Video – What happens at a smear test?
The video above is about smear tests. It tells you what happens at a smear test and why it is important. Women with a learning disability are in the video and were involved in making it.
The video above is a video from the NHS which shows the experience that Jodie had when having her smear test done.
Who has a smear test?
All women between age 25 and 64 are asked if they want to have a smear test and you are invited:
- every 3 years between age 25 and 49
- every 5 years between age 50 and 64
Smear tests can help stop you getting cervical cancer. It is your choice whether to have a smear test. Having the right information can help you decide.
Please visit the Jo’s Trust Website for more information by clicking the picture below –